TaxPayer Relief Letters

Canada Revenue Agency Collections Consulting

Sometimes having an ex-CRA collector on  your side can make an enormous difference. We provide clear, easily understood information that will assist you (or your client) in making decisions about what to do. It’s important to understand, ex-CRA auditors just assessed liabilities. They never collected them. And likely never made Taxpayer Relief decisions either. Unless you’re appealing a tax assessment in tax court, most CRA collections problems do not require a tax lawyer. The consultation we provide bridges the gap between you and the Canada Revenue Agency Collections Division, in a way that is affordable and easy to understand. 

Great Advice

Collections Consulting

If you or your client need advice about how to handle a Canada Revenue Agency tax collections situation, we can help. As a former CRA Senior Collections Officer, I’ve got the Agency’s playbook and know how they operate. Understanding the Agency’s powers, responsibilities, and a taxpayer’s rights can make an enormous difference in how a tax debt gets collected. As a CRA Collections enforcement officer, I collected Personal Income Tax, Payroll Deductions, Corporate Tax, and G/HST debts. I issued 160 Transfer Assessments, Directors Liability Assessments, Jeopardy Assessments, appeared in Tax Court, recommended audits, handled insolvency matters, reviewed Taxpayer Relief requests and negotiated high dollar payment arrangements. Sometimes having just a little bit of information can make an enormous difference. We provide clear, easily understood information that will assist you or your client in making decisions about what to do. If you’re currently in a CRA situation that feels abusive or improper, you may want to consider filing a formal service complaint. The form to do so may be found at 

Send us an e-mail with a short summary of the issue. Include your phone number and we’ll call you to discuss what we can do for you. When we speak with you we’ll let you know exactly what our fees will be. If you’re an accountant, it’s important to remember, CRA collections procedures have nothing to do with accounting. Your knowledge of filing methods and the Income Tax Act may not be what your client needs. Ask someone who knows Canada Revenue Agency’s collections policies from the inside out.

A word on selecting a consultant or tax solution provider

If you’re reading this page, chances are you or one of your clients require advice about a tax collections issue. You’re probably looking for some helpful advice at an affordable price. When looking for a consultant, it’s a good idea to ask some questions about the company or people you’re talking to. Here are some suggestions:

  • Am I being sold services that have little or no likelihood of success?
  • Does the company or individual specialize in the problems that I (or the client) have?
  • Does the company or individual have another business (Bankruptcy trustees for example) that may be driving their advice?
  • Was a high retainer fee the first thing they asked for?
  • Is the person I’m speaking with going to be the one who will handle my issues?
  • Is this person or company more interested in stoking fears rather than calming them?
  • Will the approach they’re recommending, exacerbate… or de-escalate the situation?
  • What is the person or company’s reputation with people who’ve actually used their services? (as opposed to what they’re advertising claims they can do)
  • Does the consulting person or company’s skill level fit with the complexity of the problem?


“ Take a deep breath. With more than a decade of tax collections experience, we know CRA collections from the inside out. You’ll get fast advice that’s sensible and do-able. ”

Frank Flynn


“ Hi Frank, Today we mailed off the letter to CRA. My client and I were impressed with the professional letter you wrote and I suspect that we should get some positive feedback. It will probably take a few months to hear back and I will keep you posted as to the outcome. You certainly helped solve a problem as I wasn’t too sure how to proceed with Mr. M.I.’s taxpayer relief situation. ”

Best regards David M. (C.A.)