Canadian Tax Policy

Canadian Tax Policy

Canadian public discourse suffers no shortage of tax policy discussion. Politicians campaign on tax policy, think tanks publish reports on tax policy, advocacy groups demand changes to tax policy; coffee-shop sages ruminate on the subject. We’re awash in policy talk....
Why You Should Not File Your Own Taxes

Why You Should Not File Your Own Taxes

I write applications for relief from penalty and interest on tax liabilities. It’s a unique specialty in the world of tax. I know enough to know, what I don’t know. I’m not an expert in tax preparation, I’m not an accountant and accordingly, I...
What You Don’t Know about Taxpayer Relief

What You Don’t Know about Taxpayer Relief

If you work in the Accounting, Tax Preparation, or Tax Law industries, you’ve probably heard of the Taxpayer Relief provisions of the Income Tax Act (220.(3.1) of the ITA). And there’s probably a reasonable percentage of citizens who have an idea that they...